Roses and Poppies in our Front Garden, June 28th 2015

“Cliff Richard” is a lovely rose with lush pink flowers that are more or less continually in flower and possessing a refreshing fragrance. It does have some blemished leaves however despite regular spraying.

“Flower Carpet White” and its pink counterpart is smothered in flowers from early summer onward,  so much so that I use hedge shears to keep it trim. Granted, it tends to come in waves but so does the Atlantic.

Penstemons, Californians poppies and, for its sumptuous fragrance, “Nemesia Wisley Vanilla” seen at the bottom left of the picture in a pot. “Rosa For Your Eyes Only” is newly planted in the pot on the bottom right. It won the “Rose of the Year” award for 2014.

I grow quite a lot of poppies as they are cheap and cheerful. The seed heads from the giant alliums look spectacular too.

Hamameli, Aconites and Snowdrops at Nostell Priory, February 3rd, 2015

Nostell Priory has improved its grounds phenomenally over the past few years. Scrub woodlands have been cleared, walkways created, an orchard replanted, new shrubs and bulbs added and a new courtyard developed. It is dramatically rising up the snowdrop garden league too! It is now a prime destination for weddings. So then, a memory of early February this year.